Water purifier TDS level

6 Easy steps to check Water purifier TDS level

Total dissolved solids (TDS) are the total dissolved substances in water, such as salts, minerals, metals, and anions. 

The TDS level is an important water quality parameter that indicates the suitability of water for drinking.

Moreover, the 50 – 150 is the best TDS level for drinking water. If you use high-concentration TDS water for drinking, it will lead to various health issues.

In this article, we will learn more about TDS levels, why it is important, how to reduce it, and how to check water purifier TDS level.

Understanding TDS levels in water.

TDS in water (measured in PPM)Suitability for Drinking Water
Below 50 PPMUnhealthy for drinking and can lead to dehydration
Between 50-150 PPMExcellent for drinking
150-250 PPMGood for drinking
250-300 PPMFair for drinking
300-500 PPMPoor, not good for drinking
Above 1200 PPMUnacceptable
Water purifier TDS level

The TDS stands for total dissolved solids. This means that solids like ions, minerals, salts, and other substances are dissolved in water.

Moreover, these levels are measured in parts per million (PPM) and can vary depending on the source of the water.

In the above table, you can see the labels and their effectiveness when considering drinking. 

In this, if the water TDS level is below 50 PPM, drinking is not recommended as it can cause dehydration and cause health issues in the body.

Moreover, when the TDS level of your water is between 50-150 PPM, this is considered as an excellent quality of healthy drinking water. 

Whether your water level is between 150-250 PPM or 250-300 PPM, it will be good and fair for drinking.

However, it is not recommended to drink water that has higher TDS levels like 300 PPM and above. Drinking high-level TDS water can lead to health issues and can cause stones in the kidneys.

How to check TDS levels of water?

The TDS levels of the water can be checked via a tool called a TDS meter

The TDS meter looks like a marker. You can see this in the below image.

Water purifier TDS level
How to check Water purifier TDS level

The TDS meter has two buttons, one for ON/OFF and the other button named HOLD, which can hold the reading values, and one display for reading.

So, to test the TDS level of your water using a TDS meter, follow the below steps:

  • First, take your drinking water in a glass.
  • Then take your TDS meter and tap on the ON/OFF button to ON the meter and dip it in the glass of water.
  • Now on the display, you can see the reading values.
  • Now click on the HOLD button and your reading is held on display.
  • Take out the TDS meter from the glass of water.
  • Now you can see the TDS level of your water on the display.

benefits of reducing TDS levels in your water.

Reducing TDS levels in water can lead to several health benefits, which include:

  • Lower TDS levels can improve the taste and odor of water.
  • It improves hydration in the body.
  • It Improves the immune system of the body.
  • Reducing TDS protects kidney function long-term.

importance of monitoring TDS levels in your water.

Regular monitoring of water purifier TDS level is crucial for maintaining water quality.

High TDS levels might show contaminants’ presence, such as heavy metals, bacteria, or chemicals that create health risks.

Moreover, periodic TDS tests provide useful information to determine if your purifier works properly or not. Like, maybe your purifier’s RO membranes or UF filters need replacement.

Why water purifiers are important for reducing TDS levels?

Water purifiers are important because water contaminated with high TDS levels should not be consumed directly without sufficient treatment. 

And water purifiers use different purification methods to reduce TDS levels in the water. 

Some technologies used by purifiers to reduce TDS levels are RO (Reverse Osmosis), UV (Ultraviolet), UF (Ultrafiltration), etc.

The RO filtration system uses membranes with very tiny holes that allow some content essential to water, like minerals, ions, etc. to pass through while blocking others. Plus, RO can reduce TDS by up to 90-95%.

Moreover, the UV radiation membrane kills disease-causing microbes by damaging their DNA and RNA.

Additionally, the UF determines what can come in and what has to stay out based on certain rules. 

Why should you use water purifiers?

  • Remove dissolved contaminants
  • Improve water taste & odor
  • Stop Health Risks.
  • Add essential minerals.

best water purifiers for reducing TDS levels.

The combination of RO+UV+UF along with extra features that make water healthier can be the perfect water purifier for reducing TDS levels and making it healthy and drinkable.

So, here are some of the best water purifiers for reducing TDS levels:

  • Aquaguard Aura: The Aquaguard Aura is one of Auqaguard’s best water purifiers. It has 8-stage purification technology and extra features for healthy & tasty water.
  • HUL Pureit Eco: The HUL Pureit Eco water purifier features a RO+UV+MF filtration technique along with a water-saving feature. Additionally, it has a 10-liter large water tank suitable for large families.
  • Aquaguard Marvel NXT: This purifier uses 6-stage purification, including RO+UV purification methods. Plus, it has a 6.2-liter tank making it enough for small families.
  • Livpure GLO PRO++: This purifier uses RO+UV+UF technologies to purify the water. It also comes under a very affordable segment.

Our views on: Water purifier TDS level.

A TDS level of 50 PPM to 300 PPM water is acceptable for drinking. However, the level of 50 PPM to 150 PPM is considered as the excellent quality of drinking water.

In addition, I have mentioned some of the best water purifiers for reducing the TDS levels of the water.

I hope you understand what TDS levels are in the water, why it is important, and the benefits of reducing it.

In case, if you have any queries regarding this, let me know in the comments below.

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